Monday, March 28, 2011

"' I'm good at keeping secret but lame at hiding my feelings"


Saturday, March 26, 2011


This is an extremely random things i ever made. I just thought that these candid pictures bring messages and signs LOL

Starring : Adam, Anggit, Gultor, Harry

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.
This piece of lyrics above seemed really suit to this picture.
Look at their eyes, look like a seductive glance. Flirty eyes, flirty faces. 
Adam is a good guy, and thought he's a hopeless romantic before he met Mejan(his girlfriend) (Mejan LOL when i said this, dunno why). Both Adam and Mejan are soow sweet, what a funny couple. Both like to make jokes to each other. 
The first time i saw this picture, i laughed out loud, i just can't stand seeing on their eyes, like flirty eyes hahaha :DDDDD .
 Because Gultor(the right boy) doesn't want to disturb those flirty eyes. He decided to go ...hopelessly

Adam met Harry and maybe the get the chemistry between (?) #fail
and Adam disappeared randomly, nowhere.

I know, I know. The most random thing ever. Just ignore it *teehe*
The fact is ...all of that guys on the pictures are good guy(thought). Done . haha

Cleaning Service

Sebenenrya post kejadian ini udah lewat bgt bgt tapi karena internet baru bisa, baru bisa post sekarang deh :D
jadi minggu yang lalu gue dan mba gue rapihin kamar gue. Bener-bener ngerapihin dan bersih bersih, biasanya cuma meja belajar sama wardrobe tapi sekarang kesemuanyaaa. Balik meja komputer, bawah kasur, atas lemari.

Emangsih bersih-bersih itu tergantung mood, kalo lagi iya ya iya kalo lagi engga ya engga (-_-)
Mau tau gimana cara rapihin kamar ? yuk yuk yuk liat (?)

This is the girl who was helping me :)

 Listening to many songs while i cleaned them up ~~~

Found my pirates accessories. Beware !

 Actually ,seems more suited to be called SILLY PIRATE *teehe*

Not only sweep the floor, back of the desk.. i also clean my keypad and keyboard with this this yellow jelly thingy *wink*
It's ......Cyber clean!

 just PRESS and STRETCH it ! Voilaaa, the dust or dirt on the sidelines will be lost carried by this elastic yellow thingyyy

P.S : keep your room clean :DDDDD

After cleaned my room up, i went outside my house to play bublles with my lil sister. She was riding her bicylcle while i played the bubbles ...
and here are my Silly faces while blowing the stick of liquid ..


and accidentally i met two of my friends, they're Aria and Farid that were bicycling together ...
yeaaaah Live is Never flat. I believe on it ...  \m/

gLee !

Ive just got new interest ! Yeaaaay ...
I'm a gleek right now! xixixi why i was so late for something great like this but there's no late for some new interest :D. I start to watch this serial movie since last holiday, i've never watch it on TV i just watched it on DVD format and soft copy from my friends. Andddd fortunately several of my classmates have a same interest as me. I loveeee to gleek together with them, sharing, shouting, laughing , reminiscing about Glee , we enjoyed talking about it hihihi. 
Moreover seatmate also like it (I contracted the virus of glee from her, thought) and we talked glee all the day hihi so excited !

 Believe it or not, i think i will put myself as Rachel(up left, who using yellow cardigan). 
When i watch that serial especially the scene where there was Finn and Rachel having conversation, it reminded of something...of moments i've ever had with my ex, my first and the only ex. I just really got the chemistry between. Gosh :(, i know i shouldn't talking my past but still ...i can't get over my feeling about him.
Finn and Rachel just very mery sweet, but there're a lot of problems they had, so had I. And the last same thought of me and Rachel is on episode ..hmmm i forgot , but Rachel said

"It's good. Thank you, you've given me the strength to move on

Same thing like what i was feeling at that time ! Bcs my ex just said that he got his past feeling back. Phew ! It's okay it's not his fault, not mine either. I've decided and should not to be sorry. Reality talks.
This serial taught me a lot of things of life. Good things :) Love it, that's why.
I love watching something that can teach me something , such beneficial thingy. They're covering many songs with  such the cooooolest way. They also had a really great voice , no wonder they made that songs sound very very good *thumbs up*

I recommend you to watch it, it's season2 already :)


I went to PIM with my friends last week. There were Suli, Tita and Dyar. What a great moment i had.
We met there moreorless at 11, walking through the way by talking and laughing. We're came from different school, all of us then we're sharing our moments,events to each other. It was greaaaat. How much i miss them!!
We had our lunch at foodcourt pim1.

You know? i've never been that dare to use any stocking with skirt as the outer on it and one of my friends named Suli told me to be brave to use it. and i wore it :D . I was lacking confidence at that time and Suli is the most confident person between us

I Wore :
unbranded cropped+tank top
gifted skirt
Pull and Bear sneakers

Here we are :

It's been a great hang out, unfortunately dyar had to go home at 3.
I missed them so muuuuch, my JHS friends :) , wish i could hang out with my others friends...more numbers than this hihi
We took photobooth ...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Casual Afternoon

Hello peeeps, i have my leisure time and was taking pictures randomly. It looks like casual thingy

I wore :
Mickey sweater Zara Tencel Skirt Ripcurl shoes

Left :
Zara sweater Picnic shoes

Right :
Zara short and belt

The same things.

Life is never flat 
Like what one of the TV ad said. 
It's hot outside fufufu. I'm sweating a lot as you can see (can you? ._.)

Friday, March 4, 2011


hey peeps, i'm on my short leisure time, tryin to make it works so please help me ... Read em first

So me and my classmates made a Thriller Indie Film for the Insomnia Festival Movie Thriller/Horror.
We made this , and the title is "IRONI" , we're hopping for the first place (everybody does) please pray for us, wish we luck andddddd  ...
Please VOTE for US as the Favorite movie . HOW ? Just follow the instruction below :

Go click and REGISTER first, then VERIFY your email , back to , SEARCH for "IRONI" and go VOTE us ! big big thanks :))
We really need your help ! Go vote and watch

Remember , click 

thankyouu, your vote really help us :)

i'm gonna upload the video soon ! or you can watch it directly at
Thanku very mery much !

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Short trip

Long time no see !

Kemarin Kamis, lebih tepatnya tanggal 23Februari yang lalu, SMAN 39 ngadain Stula (studi lapangan) ke Taman Margasatwa Ragunan dan TMII. Yang lebih menyenangkannya lagi, hari itu bertepatan di hari RABU ! ohyeah man ! W e d n e s d a y, the longest day eveeer ! yup. Bayangin aja hari Rabu yang biasanya boring abis diganti dengan jalan-jalan satu angkatan yeay *Thank God it was Wednesday* \:D/

Masing-masing kelas biasanya dimintain sumbangan ransum(konsumsi) buat kelasnya masing-masing, sifatnya sukarela sih ... Awalnya gue mikir dikelas gue bakal dikit yang nyumbang, ya sih mungkin karena ga terlalu dipublikasiin. Dan ternyata pas hari-H. Omg there're a super lot of snacks and drinks ! yippieee
Rasanya kaya gabakal ketakutan kehabisan makanan di perjalanan karena itu banyak nya banyak banget banget, macem ke restauran .. ada appetizer, beverage dan dessert ! hihihi
 but, unfortunately, i didn't bring my camera so i didn't have any pict of us, but fortunately there was one of my classmates brought her pocket camera. It was really help us !
wajar sih, mana anak XH itu narsis-kuadrat, hmm malah kubik ! :D. 

Stula diawali di Ragunan, awalnya kita disuruh baris gitu , dan ada embarrasing moment sebagai pembukanya (atau lebih enak dibilang aib) tapi , gaenak nyebar aib orang dosa heee.Dari pintu masuk kita jalan jauuuuuuuuuuh bgt(gajuga sih) buat masuk ke daerah endemik nya, buat nyelesein Lembar Kerja Siswa yang dikasih. Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 5orang, dan 2 dari mereka wajib nonton film di teater nya, dan khusus buat ketua kelas juga mesti nonton. Great! yang tersisisa cuma gue dan Noval, 3 lainnya nonton dan kebetulan salah satu anggota gue adalah ketua kelas so dia ikut nonton. 
Good, gue bagaikan Hachi yang sebatang karang pergi mencari ibunya. Si Noval, entah berkeliaran kemana. Tinggal gue sendiri, mengembara buta arah dan tujuan. Akhirnya, karena takut tersesat, gue nebeng kelokmpok-kelompok lainnya. Dan itu RANDOM BGTT.

Miranti, Lola, Rahajeng and ME
Me and Maudi

Petualangan dimulai, bukan petualangan mencari kitab suci melainkan mencari info tentang hewan endemik *krik*. Diawali nebeng kelompoknya Aga, Waznan dll. Untung mereka baik, gue diterima dengan senyuman hangat serta tangan terbuka *yailah*. Setelah itu mereka hilang tanpa jejak, gantilah nebeng kelompok anak X-C , terus kelompoknya Diva, dan bertemu kelompok gue (oh finally). Ternyata film di teater belum mulai, jadi mereka maish bisa nyari nyari sumber sama gue, yes. Pas udah jam 10an , bubar deh yg diharusin nonton, mereka pergi nonton. sisanya, ya terlantar dihutan, muter-muter nyari hewan hewan yang disuruh dicari plus difoto. Gue sendirian, masuk ke gua-gua, ketemu anak XI, terus gue lari-larian dalem gua gakaruan dan ketemu Aga lagi beserta Kiya dsb. Kita mendaki gunung lewati lembah, cari Map dan ketemu ! tapi .... gaada sign yang nunjukin "YOU ARE HERE". Akibatnya, kita hanya mengira-ngira, mengikuti kata hati dan naluri. Tujuan kita semua yaitu nyari Kera Hitam Sulawesi , dan ternyata letaknya dari tempat dimana kita berada itu jauh bgttttt ya ! jauh bgttttttttttttt. Akhirnya, kita memutuskan buat menelusuri step by step. Berasa di jejak petualang. Capek, haus, keringetan, gaada minum pula. Pas kita udah sampe ditengah-tengan hutan itu, liat map lagi ... tanya ke abang-abang yang lagi nyapu, eh dia cekikikan 

Gue : Mas ini kita dimananya peta ini ya ?
Abangnya: *hehehehe*
Gue dkk : !!?>?,.??

yup, akhirnya kita coba-coba sendiri, mana ada bapak-bapak menyesatkan kita, ngasih petunjuk salah. Pada akhirnya ada rumor yang bilang(cielah) kalo hewan yang dikandang situ tuh yang gaada informasinya itu adalah Kera yang kita cari. Gue foto aja deh, pemikiran lainnya sih "tinggal search di google" dan akhirnya gue nge search deh buat ngerjain tugasnya hehehe. 
Setelah selesai, gue dsb berniat ke bus. Tiba-tiba ketemu anak XD dan diajakin main ke taman bermain kecil kecilan disana, kita naik Bom-bom car. Seru lumayan, sayangnya itu terlalu kecil, kaya bocah, gabisa duduk leluasa gue ... lanjut liat gajah, foto-foto sama gajah, liat bapak-bapak ngambek sama gajah dan orang-orang yang berlalu lalang.

Gue udah capek banget tuh, dan memutuskan buat menempuh perjalanan untuk kembali ke bus. Dan kami ke bus. Pikiranku mengatakan sudah ramai ternyata .....NEGATIF ! gaada satu pun orang disitu, bus pun masih terkunci rapat. Kita nunggu sampe mereka dateng satu per satu, dan masuk. 1 botol nestle pun abis dalam 1 tegukan. Dehidrasi menjangkit kami.

Studi dilanjutkan ke TMII, tepatnya di IPTEK dan Migas. Cukup seru , hasrat buat nambah ilmu lagi berkobar, dapet pengalaman dan hal positif baru, Yes !
Ga banyak yang mau diceritain disini, ya gitu gitu aja ...tentang minyak, gas, juga gimana cara tanah terjadi, ngebor minyak dsb. 
Oh ya ! They've a lot of collections ! I just knew it, I JUST KNEW IT ! (sorry, it's getting over all the time)
Ini pertama kalinya masuk iptek dan migas.

sekitar jam 4an sore, kita balik ke SMAN 39. Dan ini random banget ! #randomoments , selama diperjalanna di kopassus, setiap ada orang lewat samping bus kita, kita dadahin sekelas coba ! Imagine that peeps ! 
How silly ? However, how silly we were, that what makes it sound greaaaaat. I love XH so much ! and it's getting mucher everyday i spent with them.

Sooow, it has been a good trip anyway. The best part is, we went there T O G E T H E R. 
I'll attempt some photos next time. I didn't bring my camera unfortunately fufu
See ya !!