Just got back from taking my grandpa and sister hungout somewhere.
It was pretty fun, but it seemed like something missed, something less. Something tasteless.
I'm so random. I'm in mine. It feels like I just want to sit silent, contemplating what had happened.
Was I wrong? Did I do something right? Speechless. Is everything gonna be okay? I have doubt about it, but still wishing for the better situation. I couldn't settle my self down. Something messed up. Can anyone detect what is happening ? i think no.
Sometimes when my mind and heart are empty, I want to follow the breeze wherever the wind blows.
It might be better, I guess. Nope, that's just disordered thing that my mind made with fully imagination.
Calm, quite , serene
Peace, confident, smile
Anxiety, hope, finish
I'm wondering where i could describe my own self. People suggested to ask others. How could? Where they're so hard to be true... No, i don't mean they're liars. I mean, they just scared of making someone sad because of the reality of the truth. Honestly, it's not a big problem for me, just tell the truth and i'll be highly appreciate it.
Empty, dark, harsh
Face is a property that expert in deceiving.
You can lie to people by pretending with your face. But your heart ... you can't lie to urself.
Say it if you think you need to say it. And don't, if you think you don't have to.
When you're on the top, will you flashback your mind? missing people who used to be your closest ?
When I miss you, will you miss me too?
In my dictionary, Friend isn't just knowing your name, the place they school, a friend of. It's more than that.
I wanna be everyone's bestfriends. Maybe I'm not a good advice giver but I still wanna hear their story, problems.
I tweeted the same sentence "I wanna be everyone's ......" then a few minutes later one of my friends retweeted it "one less step, you're my bestF :)"
That was incredibly sweet, thanku...that's very mean to me :). Can you believe that? Thanks for my friend who said that and thanks to for the words that has made me feel like ...worthed.
I love being surrounded by my friends, they laughed, they smile, they show their happiness.
But, i just realized it...everything is not what it seems. Once i read my friends storylife, totally different with what have it looked like in daily at school. OMG what happened? Were they just pretending in front of me? Or that just in the different period? Only them who have the answers.
I supposed to be doing what i have to do, i've skipped some...maybe not skip it, just delayed it then start doing something easier first.
Love, Life, Laughter
Smile, Pretend, Lie
Tears, Swollen, Blue
This is extremely RANDOM .
100% Pure from the heart.
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